Luxury Car Alarm Remote Protection
Reattach It
Replacement remotes are expensive, and carrying your keys separately sucks. If your car alarm remote has already broken off your key ring just place the remote into the tote and reinsert the key ring back through the grommets located at the top of the tote. Save your time and your money, and look good while doing it. Simply pop that bad boy inside a Remote Tote and hit the road.
Protect It
You have a case for your phone, why not your key fob? If your car alarm remote hasn’t broken off yet then just remove your remote from the key ring and place it into the tote. The last thing you want is having to go back to unlocking your doors by hand if your remote stops working. Protect your remote against broken key loops, wear and tear of information buttons, water damage, and physical damage from being tossed around all day.
Style It
Make it yours. Choose from 13 different colors and styles to make your remote as unique as you are.

Fashion With a Function.

Give Your Keys Some Class
Let’s face it, car remotes are very lackluster in design, and broken or nicked remotes look even worse. It can be embarrassing at times. You go to start your car with your date in the passenger seat: do you pull out your old beat up remote dangling around by the piece of TAPE you reattached it with? Or do you impress them? With a remote covered in the highest quality plonge leather, you’re sure to catch their eye with it’s luxurious color. A sleek and stylish design guaranteed to get a second date*
Or maybe…
You don’t give a $%#! And just want cool colors for your remote
That’s Cool Too!
With 13 different colors and sizes, we got you covered

Size Me Up!
Find your perfect fit
Start your car like a badass
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